Specialist insights in just hours
- Actionable answers in ~6 hours1 versus up to two days
- Accelerated review process1 with 24/7 access to online booking for specialty consults*
- Digital sample submission for maximum efficiency
- Specialist-level care for your patients from their veterinary clinic
Part of the complete, in-clinic cytology solution

Efficient, reliable data
Rapid, expert clinical pathology review of common cytology specimens, such as fine-needle aspirates, guides diagnosis and treatment selection.

Optimal workflow
Accelerate the process for expert cytology review with simple slide preparation, digital submission and results in about 6 hours1 to maximise efficiency at critical moments in the patient care continuum.

Advanced patient care
Access same-day insights from a team of board-certified clinical pathologists to optimise diagnosis and individualised treatment selection across all species, so you can provide continuous care with fewer delays to more patients.
How it works
- Collect sample
Prepare the sample and slide in the clinic using traditional methods.
- Submit sample
Scan the slide with Vetscan Imagyst and submit digitally.
- Get results
Expert review and results are reported within ~6 hours.1†
Add Zoetis pathologists to your clinic team
Consult with remote, board-certified clinical pathologists who can digitally review your slides and deliver expert results to your clinic.

Digital cytology for equine applications
Explore the diagnostic expertise of Vetscan Imagyst for expert clinical pathology review of common equine cytology specimens, such as joint fluid, uterine culture, BAL and abdominocentesis.

Bringing specialist-level medicine to your clinic
The Zoetis Virtual Laboratory offers deeper insights through its unique portfolio of interconnected diagnostic products and services. Central to the Virtual Laboratory offering, Vetscan Imagyst connects innovative, in-clinic AI diagnostic testing with real human clinical pathology expertise, empowering confident treatment decisions and elevating patient care.
- Anytime‡ expert support
- Best-in-class AI
- Connected diagnostic insights

Explore the full Vetscan Imagyst portfolio
Multiple testing capabilities combined on a single analyser for comprehensive, AI-powered insights at the point of care.
Discover the difference Vetscan Imagyst can make in your clinic
Contact us today to learn more about how our diagnostics portfolio can help elevate your patient care.
Customer Service and Support
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
0800 ZOETIS (963 847)
Zoetis Diagnostic Technical Support
0800 100 109 (option 3)
Zoetis Reference Laboratories Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Thurs: 8:00 am – 9:30 pm GMT
Saturday: 9:00am – 8:30pm GMT
Sunday: Closed
Need Technical Support?
Our support team is available to answer product questions and provide guidance.§
*Complimentary when clinically warranted.
† If a glass slide is requested, a complimentary prepaid shipping label will be sent so that the slide can be submitted for review.
‡ Dependent on consultant availability.
§ If you are a pet owner looking for treatment recommendations, please contact your veterinary surgeon.
Reference: 1. Data on file, Study No. TI-10365, 2023, Zoetis Inc.